ATP Template with bundler



No it is not. The courts have imposed bail conditions and failure to comply with them will lead to your arrest. Signing early or late or not at all is a breach of bail and it is more than likely that you will be arrested and put before the next court.

If you want to change your bail conditions, you will have to speak to your solicitor who may go to court on your behalf.


You will be arrested and brought before the next court if you do not have a good excuse for missing signing bail. Your lawyer can put these before the court who will determine if the excuse is justified.


If it is a signing condition that they are breaching then the police will already be aware. If however, it is another condition, for example, a residence condition or conditions stating that they must not contact a certain person, then please contact Police Scotland by dialling 101. Please note that you may be asked to give a statement regarding the matter, if appropriate.


If the court has given you bail conditions, then it is the court that alters those conditions. The police cannot alter bail conditions given at court. You will need to get in touch with a solicitor who will arrange a court hearing to vary your conditions.

Please note that your request will not automatically be granted, the court will consider the application before making a decision.